The Sun Newspaper here in my home country of England has pulled several incriminating quotes from Superstars who claim they didn’t take steroids to the paper, but have either been suspended or turned up on the pharmacy list:

-William Regal on August 29: “Steroids are not something that are part of my being as a performer, it’s not something that I’ve ever relied on or anything that I’ve had anything to do with. When I was in my early 20s, in fact very early 20s when I was still living in England and traveling the world, I dabbled in steroids but nobody ever told me to or forced me to. Nowadays we get tested very thoroughly and if guys are going to use steroids and they get tested they’re going to get caught and they’re going to get found out or they’re going to get suspended or fired.”

-Ken Kennedy to The Sun on August 17: “I never took massive amounts of steroids and do you know why I stopped taking them? Because of the WWE’s Wellness Policy. Because they instituted the Wellness Policy (in February 2006) and I knew that having a job with the WWE was way more important than the 10 pounds of extra muscle that the steroids gave me. I stopped taking them and I had the biggest push of my life. I worked with The Undertaker for the last six, seven months. Working on top of all the house shows. I worked PPVs, I was on every PPV. I didn’t take any steroids and that’s the thing, nowadays, in our business, you don’t have to take that stuff in order to get a push. We’ve got thousands upon thousands upon thousands of applicants every year, that apply to have a job as a WWE superstar and Vince picks the best of the litter, he picks the guys that have very good genetics.”

-Edge in March: “To the columnist who said a ‘roided up thing called Edge’ was at the NHL All Star Game a few weeks ago, in 2003, this may have been true. Now, not in the least, as my random urine tests, which have always been negative will attest. I guess I’ll take the fact that he thought I was as somewhat of a compliment. To the fact that I’ve been lucky enough to have been gifted with a 6 foot 5, 240lb body naturally.
“And finally made it to the top of my industry last year on my own, clean as a whistle.”

-Gregory Helms (after the Chris Benoit murders) in July – “Failed, former stars (and I use that term loosely) like Marc Mero are only making things worse by trying to cash in and turn a tragedy into a last few minutes of fame on TV. That is just pathetic. There are a lot of great people in this business, both behind the scenes and in front of the camera, and the many should not have to suffer for the mistakes of a few.”
