Spinach varieties are excellent for health as they are loaded with iron and other essential nutrients. The leaves are sold as bunches when spinach is purchased from the market. Even if you cook a good portion for consumption, there will be leftovers.
As the leaves and the stem decay quickly, the spinach wouldn’t be fresh for too long even if you store them in the fridge. However, you could keep spinach leaves fresher for up to a week if you try these simple tricks.
- The moisture on the spinach leaves makes them decay quicker. Separate the leaves from the stem, wash them and then wipe them using a tissue. Make sure that the leaves are dry and do not have any moisture content on them.
- You could also wrap them in a dry piece of cloth. Now, cover the spinach leaves using a paper towel or tissue and store them in air-tight containers. Keep these containers in the fridge for up to ten days.
- Spread a tissue in the container before storing the dry leaves. Now, place another tissue on top. Make sure that the lid is lightly closed before keeping it in the fridge.
- Besides, fruits like plantains and apples that produce ethylene should not be kept near the spinach. This gas would ruin the spinach leaves easily.
- It is always best to keep the spinach leaves in the freezer if you need to store them for over a week. Most people add spinach to their smoothies and salads. Besides, palaks and other leaves too are consumed like this. Frozen green leaves are best for smoothies. After washing the spinach leaves, transfer them into freezer bags. Before closing the freezer bags, make sure to push out the air. This could be stored in the freezer for up to a year.