In 2014, director David Dobkin paired Robert Duvall with Robert Downey Jr. for the drama film "The Judge." It tells the story of lawyer Hank Palmer (Downey), who fights for his estranged father, Judge Joseph Palmer (Duvall), after he is accused of a crime. At the same time, Hank discovers his father has terminal cancer and is beginning to feel the effects of the treatment. While the film received a mixed reception from reviewers, holding a 48% critical approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, Duvall's performance secured him several major award nominations.
In an interview with GQ, Duvall revealed he didn't want to do "The Judge" at first. When asked the reason for his reluctance, he said, "The character," he said. "He's an incontinent guy, s*** all over himself, had cancer. And then I was talked into it. And sometimes when I go back a second time, it goes better."
In a separate interview with GQ UK, Duvall again expressed how he was uncertain about the part in the beginning. He discussed the initial hesitancy he had surrounding the scene in which Hank helps his father into the shower; however, he and Downey remained professional and gave it the care and attention it deserved to serve the story.