In the tranquil town of Peoria, Illinois, an unsettling murder case sent ripples of shock through the community, with Aina Dobilaite at its core. The case centered on Nathan Leuthold, who committed the tragic murder of his wife, Denise Leuthold, on a fateful Valentine’s Day in 2013.

Nathan Leuthold faced charges and was ultimately convicted of first-degree homicide, and he now serves an 80-year sentence in the Illinois Department of Corrections, marking the somber conclusion to this grim chapter.

A Foreign Connection

Aina Dobilaite, a native of Kaunas, Lithuania, was a mere 20 when she crossed paths with Nathan Leuthold in Peoria. 

At the time, she was pursuing her studies in international business at Bradley University. Nathan Leuthold, a local businessman and a father of three, would become a central figure in her life. 

Their relationship began as a clandestine affair, with Leuthold confessing his unhappiness in his marriage and his intentions to divorce his wife.

A Dark Descent

Prosecutors asserted that Nathan Leuthold’s feelings for Aina Dobilaite evolved into an all-consuming obsession over time. He allegedly showered her with opulent gifts and went to great lengths to persuade her to accompany him to Lithuania.

On that ominous Valentine’s Day in 2013, Leuthold revealed to Dobilaite that he had a “surprise” in store for her, instructing her to stay away from his house.

As the day unfolded, tragedy struck as the police discovered Denise Leuthold’s lifeless body in their home, with a single gunshot wound to her head.

Defending Her Innocence

Throughout the arduous investigation and trial, Aina Dobilaite steadfastly proclaimed her innocence. She has never faced charges in connection with the crime, even today. Nevertheless, the court of public opinion was far from forgiving.

Many media and community members portrayed her as a manipulative seductress, suggesting her potential involvement in inciting Leuthold to commit the heinous act.

Life Beyond the Trial

In the wake of the trial’s conclusion, Aina Dobilaite withdrew from the public eye. Reports indicate that she returned to Lithuania shortly after Nathan Leuthold’s arrest.

She has deliberately maintained a low profile on social media and eluded the glare of the press.

In a rare 2014 interview with the Lithuanian newspaper, Dobilaite expressed her profound shock and disbelief at Leuthold’s heinous crime. 

She characterized him as a “mentally disturbed person” and vehemently asserted that she had absolutely no knowledge of his nefarious plans, leaving the mystery of her involvement shrouded in enigma.


In 2022, Aina Dobilaite remains entwined in the intricate narrative of Nathan Leuthold despite his prior marriage to Denise. Leuthold’s dual relationships cast a shadow over their lives.

Aina Dobilaite, a Lithuanian native, vehemently denies any romantic involvement with Nathan Leuthold, a Christian Baptist preacher who first crossed her path when she was a mere six years old.

She embarked on her journey to the United States at the age of 18 in pursuit of education, and reports suggest that Leuthold significantly invested in her academic endeavors.

Originally arriving in the United States to attend college in Florida, Dobilaite later relocated to Illinois, where she enrolled at Illinois Central College before transferring to a school in Chicago.

During her time in Peoria, she contributed to the Leuthold family by tutoring their children and offering piano lessons.

Prosecutors accuse Nathan Leuthold of orchestrating a staged break-in and subsequently taking his wife’s life. The intricate web of events has since baffled investigators and the public alike.

Aina Dobilaite age

Aina Dobilaite’s age remains shrouded in mystery, with observers speculating that she is in her early twenties.

Her arrival in the United States transpired at the age of 18. Leuthold professed that his ultimate act of taking his wife, Denise’s life on Valentine’s Day, expressed love for Aina Dobilaite.

However, Dobilaite’s portrayal of her relationship with Nathan Leuthold deviates from the narrative of a traditional romantic liaison.

She describes it as a dynamic where Leuthold provided financial support, accompanied her on journeys to Europe, trained alongside her, but never shared a night under the same roof.

The police investigation unveiled a peculiar twist in the case: Nathan Leuthold’s research into methods of committing the crime, including poison, before settling on a gunshot.

He testified that he waited concealed in a closet for his wife’s return home before firing the fatal shot.

On the digital front, Aina Dobilaite has chosen to withdraw from social media, deactivating all her accounts, a decision possibly influenced by the glaring spotlight cast upon her life in the wake of the incident.

In an intriguing turn, prosecutors presented an email allegedly written by Nathan Leuthold to Aina, expressing profound sentiments of endearment with the phrase, “I am blessed to have you in my life, and I wanted to do everything for you.”

Aina vehemently denied the authenticity of this email, asserting that it was a fabrication constructed by law enforcement to entangle her in the narrative.

In the courtroom, Aina Dobilaite was summoned during the trial to clarify the nature of her relationship with Nathan Leuthold. Strikingly, both parties categorically denied any romantic involvement. Although the court refrained from imposing any legal penalties on her, Nathan Leuthold found himself sentenced to a staggering 80 years in prison for the murder of his wife, a somber conclusion to a convoluted tale that had gripped the community and the media for years.

