How old is Tyler Lockett? When is Tyler Lockett's birthday? Where is Tyler Lockett born? Where did Tyler Lockett grow up from? What's Tyler Lockett's age?

Tyler Lockett Born: September 28, 1992 (age 31years), Tulsa, OK

How about Tyler Lockett's parents?

Tyler Lockett Parents: Kevin Lockett, Nicole Edwards

How about Tyler Lockett's team?

Tyler Lockett Team: Seattle Seahawks (#16 / Wide receiver)

How tall is Tyler Lockett in meters or centimeters?

Tyler Lockett Height: 5 10

How about Tyler Lockett's weight?

Tyler Lockett Weight: 182lbs

How about Tyler Lockett's receiv_touchdown?

Tyler Lockett Receiv_touchdown: 58

How about Tyler Lockett's picked date?

Tyler Lockett Picked date: 2015 (Seattle Seahawks), 2011 (Kansas State Wildcats football)

How long has Lockett been with the Seahawks?

Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Tyler Lockett drops quarterback Geno Smith's would-be 33-yard TD pass as the ball bounces off Lockett's facemask.

Is Tyler Lockett a good fantasy pick?

Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Tyler Lockett drops quarterback Geno Smith's would-be 33-yard TD pass as the ball bounces off Lockett's facemask.

How good is Tyler Lockett?

Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Tyler Lockett drops quarterback Geno Smith's would-be 33-yard TD pass as the ball bounces off Lockett's facemask.

Has Tyler Lockett ever dropped a touchdown pass?

Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Tyler Lockett drops quarterback Geno Smith's would-be 33-yard TD pass as the ball bounces off Lockett's facemask.
